Thursday, September 11, 2008

Breaking the Job

I could have a job if I wanted to.

At the interview I went to yesterday, the guy pretty much told me to go think about it, and if I wanted to he would give me a job. I would come in to solidify some things up and then I'd start my training. The only problem is that it's sales. I'd be miserable. I'd rather have a part-time job than a sales job. Plus, I'm a writer, not a salesman. Excuse me, salesperson.

And I've already explained that I'm not a salesman.
I'm somebody who wants to buy, not someone who wants to sell. But, I have realized that I might have to take a part-time or a lower-income job just to get in with someone.

Since I did not have an internship that led (or had even the opportunity to lead into) into a full-time job, I'm a bit SOL.

But that's ok, because I have two interviews tomorrow.
Seriously, this new technique of directly contacting people is working. The trick is this.

If you see a job on craigslist, careerbuilder, monster or yahoo that you like, look for the job posting on that company's website. I know I keep pressing this issue, but it's absolutely true. Unless you have a website that is focused on your profession, it's too tough a market. I saw a statistic somewhere where it listed the amounts of applications that are sent into craigslist for a post.

It was something like around 40. And it was for a specific graphic designing job, not even a "general" job. Now, think about what a regular job poster gets.

That means a couple things. You either have to have a killer resume or a good cover letter. I'm all about the cover letter. I think people/employers can see tons of resumes that are alike.

If you send a cover letter that is direct and focused for the job you are applying for, you can get much better results. When people send resumes saying that they are looking for a job in "business," that doesn't do a whole lot.

Here's three tips:
-Focus the cover letter to EVERY job
-Give a little bit of personality
-Try to add a title recipient

About the personality. You want to give a little bit. Seriously. Just a little sentence here or there that shows that you are a person, not a generic machine that's pumping out letters like these by the tens and tens.
If you add a title recipient, that's even better. Even if you get the gender wrong, it's better than putting "To Whom It May Concern."

People like their names. On the subject of names, check out this website. It'll show you who/where has your last name in the world. It's kinda cool.

One more thing.

Rock Band 2 comes out on Sunday. That said, I might not post on Sunday. Because even in my unemployment, I think that I'm going to find a way to afford it.

It's too much fun.

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