It was quite an experience. To lay it straight on you, it was a terrible expo. It was clearly not directed at people of my education level, even though I only have a simplistic Bachelors of Arts.
I saw some things that were completely absurd. So, I will share with you what I saw. In a list. Believe me, you'll want to read this list. I guarantee that you will laugh (or snicker softly) at least once.

Now, before I get to the things I saw, I'd like to explain the flier for this job expo. It had a couple of key job-related info boxes. Key points said:
-Jobs ranging from entry-level to professional
-Dress professionally
-Bring copies of your resume
Now, a couple of the entry-level to professional businesses:
-Girl Scouts (Yes, those cookie people)
-Arby's (Yes the fast food "restaurant")
-Chukchansi Gold Resort and Casino (Gambling, nice)
-U-Haul (I wonder what professional jobs they have...)
-JC Penny (Seasonal jobs, not management or salespeople)
-Holiday Inn (Housekeeper)
-Foot Locker (Take "steps" to build my professional career?)
-Vons, Bed Bath and Beyond, Old Navy, Anchor Blue and Party DJ Party (Whatever the heck that is)
-Finally, my personal favorite, AM PM (Yes, the convenience store)
All they had is minimum-wage jobs and sales positions. They really had no jobs for educated people. I don't mean to be mean. But come on. Are there really people out there looking for a minimum-wage job at AM PM?
Well, here you go. Here's a list of the wonderful things that I saw at the Expo. Remember the directions about dress and resumes.
-Canadian suit (Yes, complete jeans covering every inch of the person)
-Camo pants (I saw multiple of these. No one wearing them were in the army.)
-Plaid Shirts
-Guy walking around playing music from his phone
-So many polo shirts without any buttons done
-Skater shoes
-Hella cool gangster gaits (the way they walk)
-People stealing candy from the displays
-People stealing keychains. From the Police display.
-Guys and girls trying to pull off the color purple
-People carrying nothing (no resumes, no pens, nothing)
-Black undershirts (with white collared shirt on top)
-Baggy pants. On suit pants. With a suit.
-Crowding around the Economic Development Department booth. Not only was it the first booth, people seemed to think that they would just give you a job if you stood there long enough.
-Sandals with socks
-Shirt, tie, pants, professional shoes and a backwards hat

-Oakland As' jersey
-San Diego Padres jersey
-No Raiders jerseys
-Raiders tattoos (on sleeveless shirts, notice anything about the spelling in that picture from the link?)
-Woman with mullet (in a wheelchair with a dog)
-Babies (like no more than 2 weeks)
-Gold chains on the outside of tie
And, my personal favorite:
-Middle-aged Asian man with a hat that said BLACK MEN SCORE
After walking around the booths a few times, checking out the "companies," I literally went and stood off on the side and documented what I witnessed for about eight minutes.
The Expo was a joke. I stayed for an hour and a half.
I shouldn't have wasted money on that. (For parking)
The lesson is this. If you are looking for a professional job, do so at job fairs on your college campus, not at ones put on by the cities. They are ridiculous.
But, you see a lot of interesting things, that's for sure.
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