Monday, September 22, 2008

Deadline Spam I Am

Lately I've been focusing on specific jobs.

I see job posts and instead of applying to every one, I focus on a select few. However, the job interviews that I have received have been mostly from the "mass" sending that I've done.

I've got a couple jobs that I think that I'd be great for at my Alma mater. Unfortunately, they have late deadline dates, which is annoying. But I've already talked about that.

Sometimes, and I stress sometimes, deadlines are important to wait for. Federal, state and local government jobs have specific polices they must follow. That makes it more difficult to apply for those jobs right out of college.

I also discovered last week that a plead to the bending of the rules does not work--at least in government jobs. They will not bend. They will not break.

How flippin' annoying.

Sometimes the best jobs are the ones you see too late.

The other thing that I've realized is that other people are really quite lazy. While I might be a motivated person (depending on who you talk to of course) I will call people back. When I say things, I mean things.

Other people are not so succinct in their procedures and execution. Patience, attrition and deep breaths help. It's hard to find a job right now.

Sometimes you just have to grit your teeth and realize that you have to keep making progress. Don't get down. Even with this financial crisis that has hit us in the United States.

You just have to understand that some people will not call you back. Sometimes you have to give up on people, even after you have a great interview. It's happened to me once. It might happen twice.

It might happen 10 times.

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