Monday, September 29, 2008

Don't Pay For A Job

Now you should never put all your eggs in one basket.

That's why even though I have a probable job on Wednesday, I have also applied to the IRS.
Yes, the IRS. Got a job? Just call the IRS. Got a job...

Love that commercial.

On Saturday afternoon I received a call from H&R Block. Here's how the conversation went. Also, I'd like to mention that they again called me on a Saturday. During lunchtime. Regardless...
Oh, and the lady had one of those "accents" where she was trying to be ghetto but still professional. But it comes off as ghetto.

Them: Hi, this is H&R Block and we received an application and were wondering if you were still interested.

Me: Yes, I think I still am interested.

Them: Do you have any tax-preparation experience?

Me: No, I do not. (When I was saying this, I was thinking, "I have experience paying taxes...")

Them: We have a class starting this Monday for tax-preparation specialists. Would you be interested in signing up for this three-day class for a one-time fee or $99?

Me: No, I don't think so.

Them: Well sir, you need the classes if you want a job.

Me: I don't think that I should have to pay to get a job.

Them: Ok, bye sir.

Me: Later sucka.

Ok, well maybe I didn't say "Later sucka," but I felt like it. So here's my advice for today. Never get convinced that you should ever have to pay for a job.

The whole idea behind a job is that they pay you.

Not the other way around.

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