It turns out, the phone might be the wave of the future.
Since I've been on a binge to use this service and actually call the companies themselves, I've found out a couple of things.
First, calling can actually save me time from having to send an e-mail. Now, granted, most of the companies that I call just tell me the same thing. They are not hiring. Well that's fine, but at least I know not to send them my valuable resume.
However, get this. Some of the e-mail that I have been sending are not actually getting to their correct recipients. Nobody wants that. Or this.
I called a company today where the HR person said she didn't get my e-mail. That's odd, because she told me the exact right e-mail that I sent it to. But, she told me to call her later this week.
Call, not e-mail. I think that while I've realized that e-mail is really easy and it can get results, person to person can do much more than an e-mail can. Calling somebody, who then asks for you to send your resume does much more than just sending a resume.
Unfortunately, I've realized also that I don't really like calling people. It can be awkward and make me feel self-conscious. I also am not always sure what to say. Regardless, it is a valuable technique.
A gentleman just yesterday said that it was good that I called because no one ever calls to check up. That inspired me. Sort of.
Calling may be tedious and strange and awkward, but hey, at least you can get practice speaking to people on a professional level.
That's what it takes.
Too bad that I'm sort of running out of companies.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
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